Well i guess i will update this thing a little since its been awhile - well after a long fight with petland i finally got my way and had sidney treated & seen by two dr's and stayed in the place for a whole week and everything including medication were all completely free. trust me when it comes down to me being indiscribly mad, well i will eventually get my way; which i did. haha =)
Anyways continuing on - i picked sid back up this monday but he is still coughing just a bit .. which they said he reacted to the meds very very well but i wasnt sure why he was still coughing then but they said he should get better in a few days and if not to just bring him back but i said for the price i paid, after all that i have went through already if i have to drive back down to monroeville it wont be to put him on more meds it ill be to take him back for good and get my money back, because there is absolutely no way that i should have to deal with this shit. He should not be this sick when i just got him, its ridiculous. So we will see what the week brings i guess.. Well i started back at the icecream shop and its alright.. its an easy job but a boring one. Id so much rather have just one full time job but still unable to find one .. i am thinkin about going to look at places in Pitt and maybe move down there and try and get a job at a hospital or dentist office there but we'll see how that goes - personally i would like to be OUT of PA but thats only wishful thinking anymore it seems. Well lets see what exciting has been going on in my life.. well today i went and spent the day with the kids. Which was so fun we played all day then had dinner then caught some lightening bugs.. which was halerious because ryan would get so excited when he finally caught one and he would hold it so tight that it would be dead before he opened his hands to show anyone. haha Then me and kristen showed them what we were brought up to do with lightening bugs which is catching them and then throwing them on the ground and squishing them across the ground and seeing the streak of light, well we were always amused by it. (then again we are a very easily amused family haha) but when i squished the lightening bug Ryan then FREAKED like i was ruining the world - i thought he was going to cry he got so upset with me.. but once he saw what it did he got the hang of it and started squishing his already dead ones too haha.. then we watched a movie and they went to bed. Cutest kids ever might i add. haha
Well as for Zach, (the ex that was confessing his missing me in his life) well i had a few people out last week for a fire and needless to say he made quiet the ass of himself that night. First off we had been fighting for 2 days straight, i think he started doing drugs or something because he now turned straight insane, but anyways i had a bunch of my friends come out.. which included 3 girls and like 15 guys.. well he wasnt invited since obviously we had been fighting why would i want him there. Well come 1am i hear someone storming up my drive and his drunken ass gets out of his friends car and starts flipping out causing a huge seen and what not so i imediatly made him leave after fighting some more. And what do you know the next day hes back at my feet saying how sorry he was and blah blah - ya sorry hunny im not really buying it, actually more like you need to grow up and im not going to be there while you do; and that was that. As for Fred (the ex in jail ive been writing) well he is doing alright for being in jail.. we write back in forth atleast once a week.. and although some people say i am crazy for writing to an inmate; i beg to differ. Its not like we are planning on running away and getting married or something.. i mean he cares about me just as much as he did when he was out, which if you knew him is a hell of a lot and he still til this day says one day he will marry me .. highly highly doubtful but you never really know. I dont let that put a damper on my life tho.. i write to him let him know how i am & whats going on in my life and what not. And i think its just generally all in good meaning, i dont think its wrong its not like im like oh i love him and blah blah cause thats not it at all - its simply just keeping contact thats all. And to be honest i get excited to hear from him, its nice to have a little pen pal like that haha..definatly interesting that for sure! Frankly i dont really care what anyone has to think of the situation, its not like he killed someone - i mean shit he got drunk & drove .. who isnt guilty of that shit anymore? he just got caught and is doing his time and there isnt anything wrong with that i dont think. Altho he continueosly tells me how no one could possibly be proud of someone that has done time, but i dunno i dont judge people like that, i dunno thats just me.
So yesterday me, jamie, josh & ryan rented a boat & went out on the river.. well actually me and jamie didnt have to pay ryan paid for it all $200 bucks just to take me out for a few hours... pretty nice kid eh?? haha ya he is nice.. we had a good time though and i got some sun, a little burnt tho but ill live. Its funny cause ive always hungout with Ryan because he has always been my friends boyfriends bestfriend, but i never thought of him anything more then a friend until this past 2 weeks. Not saying its going anywhere cause im not sure im lovin it - haha started off liking it but now ... i dunno, still have mixed feelings about the situation - but then again thats just typically me pushing someone good away, because i always tend to do that. But whatever, anyways to end my wonderful day on the boat with Ryan i later that night went down to Pittsburgh to yet another Ex's house, Curt. (*im sure by this point jer you are totally confused with keepin my guys straight now! haha - but, you'll have that) Anyhow Curt took me out to the pirates game which is the first one i have been to all year, and our seats were in the very front row behind the bucs dugout which was pretty badass - and of course we won! so we then went back to his house and just kicked it on the porch talking and killed a case between the two of us haha. But the reason i always got along with him so good is because we can talk about anything, which is very comforting to have someone you can do that with. After that we watched a movie and passed out, then we woke up the next afternoon which was a beautiful day might i add and we walked downtown of pitt and got some chinese. yum!! very good day also =)
Well that about wraps it up for tonight. Hopefully ya'll had a good holiday & weekend and what not.. i am beat and going up to get some extremely needed rest and poor sid is passed out on my lap.. so have a good night kids
1 comment:
Lmao Yeah I basically have a flow chart here at work with notes on all the guys :) But I do think your making a good call on Zach that whole make a mess then apologize thing still after all this time does not seem to be getting any better. I would hope that you stick to your guns on this it's not like you are strapped for dudes to hang with. :) I am also really concerend about Sid. I thought he was all better. I am soo sorry you are having all this trouble and I really hope it works out for you. I know all too well how quickly that a dog can become part of the family and having a sick one is really really hard. Allright gril stay safe ..
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